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Mineski RGC™
What is Latency and Response Time?
Latency is the time it takes for data to get from your computer to the game server. This is usually measured in milliseconds (ms), there are 1000 milliseconds in one second. The response time is the time it takes for data and the corresponding event to get to the game server and then back to your computer. The response time is generally about 2x the latency. This means that if you are improving your latency by 250ms, you are improving your game response time by about half a second. If you improve your latency by 500ms, you are improving your game response time by a full second. This is an estimate based on real game situations where you interacting and responding to other players (who also have their own latency). This makes a huge difference, especially in "fast twitch" situations where you need to stun an enemy, heal team mates etc etc.
So here's the proof. I myself is having problems with my connection to RGC ("Ranked Gaming Client") Since mostly of our channels here at the Philippines are using Singaporean bots but with WTFast everything changed.